“Cinque per Mille” 0.5% income tax donation
Support the Pecci Centre with your tax return, it doesn’t cost you anything!
As a taxpayer you can decide to allocate 0.5% of your income tax (IRPEF) through your tax return.
It just takes a few steps to allocate your 0.5% to the Pecci Centre:
1. In your tax return (Modello Unico, 730, CUD) look for: “Scelta per la destinazione del Cinque per Mille dell’IRPEF” (Choice for the allocation of 0.5% of income tax)
2. Sign in the box “Sostegno… delle organizzazioni non lucrative di utilità sociale, ecc...” (I support... non-profit organisations of social value)
3. Enter the tax identification number (codice fiscale) of the Foundation for contemporary arts in Tuscany: 92098360487
This is an important contribution for us.
This allocation, moreover, does not substitute the 0.8% that can benefit the Catholic Church, other religions or the State. Even those who are not required to submit a tax return can make this choice by filling in a supplementary form to the CUD (Consolidated Employee Certification).
Thank you for your support!
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