A conversation with Włodek Goldkorn
Love, empathy, narration, borders, otherness, memory, the role of literature, the duty to hope: the Israeli writer David Grossman, talking to the journalist Włodek Goldkorn, recounts the difficulties of living in a land permanently at war without ever abandoning one’s ideas or the spirit of peace, constantly seeking out dialogue and convinced of the saving power of the word.
A series of conferences, coordinated by the journalist Włodek Goldkorn, with some of the most important national and international figures for whom war and conflict are or have been fundamental experiences. The aim is to analyze the cultural, social, anthropological and geopolitical dynamics of our modern society in which war has multiple forms and methods.
Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 33, 59100 Prato PO, Italia
Free entrance
T. +39 0574 5317