关闭 关闭 关闭 下午10 –下午7 早晨10 –下午1 / 下午2–下午5 早晨10 –下午9.30 下午8-10.45
"Fellini: i costumi e le mode"
Mostra a cura di Ida Panicelli e Samuele Mazza
Sale Museo, 6 marzo - 16 maggio 1994
Maria Teresa Soldani
per le immagini di repertorio si ringraziano:
Canale 5, RaiTre e Filippo Sileci
From inquiries to stories. The future of journalism
What do the ruins of Gaza say? Architecture and conflict
Nanotechnology: How to change matter
What’s the architecture like ?
Will they be employed ?
Which culture?
The lost city
The end of contemporary art
Beyond the museum
At full speed, the slow future
The global fight to stop violence against women
An investigation on disappearance